Commercial Services
Archi Structures IPD
ArchiStructures IPD has decades of professional experience in cost-effective outsourcing solutions.

Expediting Services

One of the core principles of ArchiStructures IPD is to move projects along swiftly and without interruptions. Our vast understanding of the processes and regulations help us provide our clients with expediting services that are very efficient. Relationship management plays a large role in this process. Sometimes, when personalities clash, the process slows down. Other times, miscommunication causes delays. Our decades of experience allow us to usher you through your project without the speed bumps.

Building Code Consulting

Too often, county and state building codes leave room for a lot of interpretation. This can lead to disagreements and misunderstandings in the development process. We have decades of hands-on experience consulting with developers, architects, corporations, contractors, and many types of licensed professionals, to help them make sure that their projects are meeting all the Nassau County codes, Suffolk County codes, Town Codes, and/or State codes, as they are written.

Expertise & Knowledge

Our decades of success stem from highly-skilled engineers, architects, designers, and safety professionals, all of whom have worked throughout Long Island and the New York market. Knowing how to please our customers goes beyond just knowing the technical work.

As respected members of our community, we respect the municipal officials who have the final say. As experts in teamwork and problem solving, our consulting skills go far beyond technical know-how. We're proud and honored to have been a part of so many building projects in New York, Nassau & Suffolk counties, and even more honored to see our clients come back for future projects.
If you are a builder, contractor, architect, developer, corporate representative, or licensed professional, please contact us to discuss your project with us.

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